This has a lot of the music that we grew up on in a VERY cute format. We are able to use a lot of this in our Sunday morning programming! And the quantity in this bundle for what you pay is incredible!
PREMIUM DOWNLOAD: "Sunday School POP" [Vol. 2] + Bible Studies Bundle
$ 272.00
"Sunday school POP"
Get 6 videos & songs, 6 Bible studies, plus 6 printable activities
6 Videos and Songs:
1. This Is The Day That The Lord Has Made
1. This Is The Day That The Lord Has Made
2. He's Got The Whole World In His Hands
3. Praise Ye The Lord
4. I Am A C-H
5. The B-I-B-L-E
6. Head Shoulders Knees & Toes
14:55 minutes total playing time
6 Bible Study Devotionals for Kids
6 Printable Activities